Friday, April 30, 2010

More Federal Government Control?

Why is it that the Federal Government is trying to control the internet air waves? After all, the FCC [Federal Communications Commission] has operated under the assumption that the air waves are owned by the public as stated in an article in Investors Business Daily. The Federal Government has been throwing around the term "Net Neutrality", trying to get people on board with their movement. After all, the term 'net neutrality' has a nice ring to it. But there is a real threat here. The Feds claim that they need to stop ISP's [Internet Service Providers] from discriminating against certain aspects of the net, thus intervening in the management of these ISP's business.

But don't we live in America, where we are founded on Capitalism and the free market? And what kind of harm are these ISP's creating? Apparently not enough, because a federal court ruled that the government has no right to interfere with network management. But, that hasn't stopped the Obama Administration in trying to push for this control over the internet. There ultimate goal, total control and an internet tax.

The question still remains: Why the need to control the internet?
Well for one thing, the internet is a vast source of information and networking in which people can form opinions and groups, many opposing the government. Clearly, no president wants to see large numbers of people joining together in protest against their administration or party. But, then again, it is written into our Bill Of Rights that we have not only the right to free speech, but also that the press has the right to free speech and print. Should we expect a potential ratification of the Bill of Rights in which those rights are stripped away from us? Will we become like Communist China, where the government blocks large amounts of information to the public; especially government information. Lets hope not.

Save the Internet!

Found this interesting, informative, & entertaining, just in case you wanted to check it out. :)

Our el presidente, Barack Obama: On Net Neutrality

Thursday, April 29, 2010

why should Google and whoever else be allowed to profit off the Internet Service Providers’ networks?

I dont think its right and I think everyone should think about this thoroughly. This is just further leading to small amounts of company's controlling everything. I Just do not understand how it is allowed to happen. One of Googles top people now works for Obama for god sakes! Who will be able to stop them? How is that fair? What are anyones thoughts on this? I am dying to find out!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

What We Need to Do.

As a free America, it is important to get the issue of Net Neutrality known to all internet users. The typical American has never heard of net neutrality and has no idea what it entails. If more people are aware of the potential government takeover of the Internet they could do something about it now, opposed to when its too late. Currently, China's Internet is controlled by the government, limiting the amount of information its citizens can search, including all government information.
The United States has been praised for its success as a free market and capitalist country. But taking away the free market side of the Internet and phone companies would do more destruction for the country as a whole, then random people looking up porn in their own household.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Key Players in Net Neutrality

The key supporters of Net Neutrality are mostly high tech companies such as Google, Yahoo,, Facebook, Microsoft, and Intel. 
Politically, it is also supported by high-ranking Democrats, including President Obama.
Supporters worry that communication companies will have the ability to choose what content runs on the internet, which puts the internet at risk because high-speed transmissions will be restricted to those with the highest bids. If communication companies tier their pricing, bandwidth will only be available to those who can afford the high-speed pipes. Small business owners would be able regulated to slow internet connections to their content, keeping costumers from their sites. Not only will this impact the companies, but the consumers themselves whose productivity would then be limited. 

The key opponents of Net Neutrality include the nation's largest telephone companies (AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, and Embarq). Cables companies that offer broadband internet access are also opposed to keeping a free internet. The Federal Communications Commission, Federal Trade Commissions, and Department of Justice are also against Net Neutrality. Because the current internet environment  is rapidly expanding, there isn't much need to regulate something that grows at the rate the internet grows. Opposing parties argue that the current guidelines on Net Neutrality limit better business opportunities and the ability to scalp bandwidth to those willing to pay the highest dollar for it. 
The government has yet to regulate the internet and doing so would present a risk in limiting the success the internet has rapidly achieved. 

Net Neutrality Pros and Cons

Should we support Net Neutrality?
Net Neutrality is the principle that says all information flowing across the Internet should be treated equally. But with more people streaming data-rich video and playing online games, the Internet faces congestion concerns. Should carriers be able to sell multi-tiered access to heavy users? Should sites that generate massive traffic - like Google and Yahoo! - pay extra fees? The U.S. Government is examining Net Neutrality and its financial, legal and social implications. Do we need federal intervention to ensure fairness, or is this an issue for the market to work out?

Confused about Net Neutrality?
Some people argue it is necessary for continued innovation on the Internet, and point to Comcast's bandwidth metering as a sign of things to come.
Others claim hat it is unnecessary regulation that will create unintended consequences in its wake.

Pros and Cons of Internet Regulation
Internet has been an open network, which works on the principle of net neutrality, whether or not it should be regulated like the other mass media is a matter of debate. Today there exist several laws to curb issues like child pornography and many other illegal activities over the internet. However, there are people who believe that a complete regulation is needed for the world wide web. There are two sides to this argument. Here are some of the prominent pros and cons of Internet regulation: 

Pros of Internet Regulation
  • can help curb the innumerable illegal activities over the net. 
  • help prevent the large number of financial frauds, phishing, identity thefts, credit card thefts and many other illegal activities, which are possible because of the unregulated and unrestrained Internet activities. 
  • Advocates of Net Neutrality is that big companies might one day force users to use one web service over another, effectively online equality and free speech. 
Although there exist several laws about child pornography or prosecutions of pedophiles, these issues are still rampant on the Internet. Internet regulation will also mean stringent policies over unjustified defamation. 

Cons of Internet Regulation 
  • A complete takeover by the government or even other telecommunication giants can lead to violation of net neutrality and will dampen effectiveness of this medium. 
  • It will be against net neutrality principle and will allow certain websites to limit their content to paid customers. 
  • Tend to curb the freedom of expression, which is perhaps one of the most conspicuous factors that are instrumental in the success and popularity of this medium. 
For years the Internet has been an open source of information. A stringent regulation policy will mean limited access to the extensive source of information.